Wednesday, 18 February 2015

Staying Strong

In everyone's lyf there comes a situation when you feel down,feel lyk evrythng is going wrong,liyk lyf knocks u down..n has cheated wid u.In that situation we dnt knw what is right n wrong. At that time ur frnds, family n almost everyone says that everythng will be alright soon.IN fact they knw that lyf will nvr be same lyk before.they only consoles u jst to gve u strength n support to face the harsh reality of life.

If something has gone wrong n lyf has ditched u bitterly, show ur emotions jst cry as loudly as u can show your anger n do everything that can heal ur pain.but in noway, neevr give up, never ever feel like life will never be kind to you..because you never know what happen next.

Whenever lyf knocks u down,show lyf that u r strong enough to deal with its harsh realities. Yeah,of course it might be hard for you but once u take a step towards it, ur paths will follow you.Just stay strong whenever u feel low,feel lyk everything is falling apart, because i think without passing any hurdles ,solving any problem u cant get happiness or successs.

Just like without solving the question paper in exams u can't get the best results n can't get your teachers appreciation....hehehe...!!!

 Problems n hurdles in our lyf are just to test our strength ,to test our soul that how long it can bear pain.Without facing any problem, life would be like a straight line without any curve n without any enjoyment.

Infact every problem  in life either gives us  the best experience or the worst experience.
In both conditions we can  learn alot from that moment.
 If someone has failed in life,just stay strong n try to face it. Believe in yourself alwz ,nomatter what the situation is.For if u don't believe in yourself.who else other do!!!

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